


No old school meds

More than talk therapy

We believe the first, most important step to better living is to improve our mental health. Only upon a stable foundation can you confidently build a life of purpose, passion and meaning.

Many people's mental health is hindered by low mood, ruminating worries, anxieties, insomnia, and more.

We provide a novel behavior-first, data-driven, and tech-enabled approach to healing.

Resa offersat-home Ketamine-assisted Therapy.

Guided by experts
Led By Tech
Informed By Data
Aimed at Healthy New Behaviors
Guided by experts
Led By Tech
Informed By Data
Aimed at Healthy New Behaviors
Guided by experts
Led By Tech
Informed By Data
Aimed at Healthy New Behaviors

Traditional mental health treatments are broken

Meds don't work – traditional antidepressants don't work for 70% of people, and have serious side effects including sexual dysfunction and insomnia.

Talk therapy isn't enough – licensed therapists are expensive and inaccessible – more than 60 percent of all counties in the United States do not have a single mental health professional.

We need better data – a large portion of the most prominent psychology studies have failed to be replicated. We need a new framework for mental health data, because we can't measure progress with a faulty ruler.

Resa brings a novel approach rooted in data and psychology

Data-driven approach – imagine a future where an effective program can be rapidly and confidently crafted for any mental health issue.

Tech-enabled guidance – augmenting expert coaches and masters-level therapists with tech-led data-informed experiences, exercises, and content can both improve the quality of care, and combat the shortage of therapist availability.

Behavior-first care – we believe in behaving our way out of behavioral issues so we model our tech-enabled expert-led programs to empower you to adopt healthy, desired behaviors. No relying only on meds. Focused on efficiently integrating new behaviors into daily life.

Better Mood Better Concentration betteR Sleep.

Better Mood

Fast-acting and long-lasting boosts in mood regulation help relieve emotional blunting, loss of pleasure, and depression.

Better Concentration

Tackle the stress and general worries that disrupt your ability to concentrate and relax.

Better Sleep

Insomnia is a common indicator of low mood or high stress. KAP recipients often report better sleep after a series of sessions.

A truly white-glove service that helped me confidently work on myself for the first time ever.

Matt M.

Software Engineer

Identify and adopt new behaviors to feel, concentrate, relax, and sleep better.

for when you're ready to do work

No cutting corners, no hidden fees

High level of intention and engagement expected.

Tech-led platform and care to support your journey.

Behavior-first approach for lasting improvement.

1:1 with KAP-trained masters-level therapists.

Personalized high-touch care from doctors.

Thorough safety precautions and emergency plans.

Four KAP sessions over two months.

A Team at the Forefront of Tech and Medicine

Regular ketamine therapy is the same for every patient. But KAP has so much room to be tailored to my needs, and I trust Resa's experts and technology to do so effectively.

Sally Morse

Finance Manager

I LOVE knowing that with each session, my treatment plan was being optimized through the use of data. It felt really cool knowing that I had my amazing therapist and a bunch of data working together to help me get the best results possible.

Monica Chen

Data Analyst

I never had time to get out of the office and spend an hour every single week talking to a therapist. Flexibility really mattered to me, and being able to do the treatment program while sitting at home was huge.

Andy Trejo

Director of Product

what to expect
Fits to your schedule over 2 months


Program Purchase

Payment plans available soon. Refunds available if deemed a poor fit.


Intake Completion

Informed consent, medical history, and educational resources to maximize your outcomes.


Initial Evaluation

Review your medical history and goals with a clinician to confirm proper eligibility.


First KAP Session

Safety training for your peer Support Person. Guided exercises and 1:1 sessions with therapists before and after. Check-in with a clinician before your ketamine experience. Clear emergency plan.


Follow-up Evaluation

Review your first KAP session with a clinician to confirm safety and make adjustments.


Second KAP Session

Guided exercises and 1:1 sessions with therapists before and after. Check-in with a clinician before your ketamine experience. Clear emergency plan. Build off of your first KAP session.


Third KAP Session

Guided exercises and 1:1 sessions with therapists before and after. Check-in with a clinician before your ketamine experience. Clear emergency plan. Build off of your second KAP session.


Fourth KAP Session

Guided exercises and 1:1 sessions with therapists before and after. Check-in with a clinician before your ketamine experience. Clear emergency plan. Build off of your third KAP session.


Next-Steps Evaluation

Review your progress end-to-end from the program. Discuss suggested, actionable next steps.

Resa vs the rest

Resa At-home KAP
In-person KAP Clinics
At-home K Therapy
In-person IV Clinics
Tailored for lasting improvement over temporary relief
Tech-forward resources to help you maximize outcomes
Personalized guidance from licensed therapists and experts
Shorter waitlist times
More affordable pricing
Care from the comfort of your home rather than a clinic
Supervision by a thoroughly trained in-person Support Person
join Resa now

Learn more about Resa's KAP program, talk with our team, find out if Resa is right for you, and get early access discounts all from the waitlist.

A letter from our founder.

Out of the 70 million people using meds or talk therapy, only 30% will find relief from their depression or anxiety.

Yup, 30%. While modern healthcare has erased many formidable physical diseases, there are still few effective mental health treatments or innovations.

A few decades ago, researchers made incredible advances in treating mental health conditions. Many of them involved the safe use of psychedelics, compounds that have been used by humans for millennia. For many, there was hope! Researchers were witnessing amazing outcomes every day in the clinic, and we were getting closer and closer to effective solutions. People started to believe it was possible — that they wouldn’t have to suffer in silence forever.

But things changed.

Politicians and their war on drugs lumped psychedelics into the same camp as addictive hard drugs. They became taboo. We lost safe access to psychedelics for healing. We lost safe access to compounds that were redefining the standards of care.

Instead, we got piles of SSRI drugs like Prozac along with their awful side effects. Instead, we got endless prescriptions with no end in sight. Instead, we got subpar efficacy, relapses, false hope, and way too few options.

Today, waiting lists to see a therapist are many months long. And even when treatment finally begins, there’s no end in sight.

Today, finding care feels like a maze rather than a pleasant journey. It adds stress instead of relief. And in the end, you're left to deal with the frustration of a subpar treatment paradigm.

But I’m hopeful.

The last few years have seen a psychedelic renaissance emerge. Research is blossoming again and political and social attitudes have evolved tremendously. We are once again on the path to harnessing the incredible healing potential of these powerful compounds.

Ketamine, the only FDA approved psychedelic, often provides rapid but temporary relief when used alone. However, unlike with other psychedelics, you can grow physically addicted to ketamine through frequent and prolonged use.

Predictably, many opportunistic companies began using "magic-pill" marketing targeted at your desperation and growing acceptance of psychedelics to continuously prescribe you ketamine for fast-acting, temporary relief that you then grow dependent on.

This feels irresponsible to me and endangers not only patients like you, but the future of the entire field. Endless easy-to-get ketamine prescriptions will only usher in a ketamine epidemic and push back progress for everyone. I firmly believe we can do better than this.

The research is clear: psychedelics are not magic pills. Rather, the promise in psychedelics lies in their potential as powerful catalysts for you to adopt healthy, new behaviors. And we at Resa believe new behaviors can lead you to lasting relief, because we believe in behaving your way out of behavioral issues.

That's why Resa was built – to help you safely and efficiently find relief that lasts. Because I envision a world where you can focus on pursuing passions and fulfillment rather than keeping your mental health afloat.

In the last year, we've developed a novel data-driven and tech-enabled approach to healing with ketamine that guides and shapes your journey in identifying and adopting healthy, new behaviors. Our medical team will handcraft a personalized program around your goals and guide you through your entire journey so you always feel supported and empowered to work towards a healthier, happier, more confident you.

From all of us here at Resa, thank you for daring to dream about a world where mental illness is no longer an unsolved problem. If you or someone you know could benefit from our experience, I’d love for you to give us a try.

We're rooting for you from MO, NY, FL and many more to come.


Founder, CEO

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